Christmas 2018 (Full Album)

It has been a year since we recorded this album, meant really just for family and friends as a personal present.  It was a nice opportunity for young KT to  work on her first album in a studio setting (even though it is just a tiny home-studio :-)).  Perhaps it is time to share it – enjoy.

Btw – the last track is a poem written for our local reciting contest. KT scored as first with it…  (it is in Czech)

Btw2 – guess who is who on the CD Art picture by Alena…

Kateřina Dvořáková - Vocals
Jakub Dvořák - Bass
Jan Dvořák - Guitars, Vocals, Other instruments
Produced and Recorded at JaiD´s studio December 2018
CD Art by Alena Dvořáková

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